NAMM 2016 Is Almost Here - A Look Back At Why We're Excited

Music lovers rejoice as NAMM 2016!! As we get ready to attend, we're giving you a look back at the incredible experience we had last year.

NAMM 2015
During a few special days in January, Anaheim buzzes with excitement as music fills the air and beckons those in the music industry to follow.  Once again The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) show is in town bringing together dealers, suppliers and musicians for four days focused on everything musical to musically related gear.

A first time visitor could get overwhelmed by the never-ending activity going on around them – especially if only attending for a day.  The inside of the convention center is alive with all sorts of music, colorful displays, flashing lights, and masses of people.  There is so much going on  demanding attention.  But when returning for a second visit (or more for some of us), it’s easier to enjoy the atmosphere as a whole as well as focus on the smaller “details” that could add to your personal experience at the NAMM Tradeshow.

NAMM 2015
Of course, there was business to be conducted at the 2015 event.  After all there was a huge tradeshow going on along with various educational and business sessions for attendees.  We were there looking at new products, meeting vendors, and placing orders.  But in between the business deals, there were things to be discovered and memorable experiences to be had.  At the CE Winds booth, a dazzling display of crystal-studded saxophones caused us – and everyone else - to stop in our tracks to admire the “bling”.  In another area, a catchy, upbeat rhythm drew us to a trio performing at one of the booths.  Made of up a tenor sax, a baritone sax and drums, the group created some incredible music with instruments that don’t normally get the starring roles. As we began to groove to the rhythm of the song, and we were mesmerized by the nuances each player added to the music.

 But it’s not just all watching from the sidelines.  NAMM is also about the “up close and personal” experiences with the instruments and gear.  We were able to pick up a guitar and turn it over to admire the stunning wraparound artwork on its body.  We pulled out our sticks, sat down at the drum kit we’ve had our eye on and played our heart out.  We took a seat at that shiny grand piano that beckoned us and enjoyed the beautiful sounds of our favorite songs as we played.  Taking a look at a Sopranino Saxophone manufactured by Chateau – It is one small saxophone and would be kind of cool to play at a gig. It was this kind of “hands on” experience that attendees really enjoyed and it gave us the opportunity to try things out as we decided what to bring to our website.

NAMM 2015
And when it was time to take a break from the “hands on”, we headed over to one of the outdoor stages or found a seat in a lounge to enjoy performances from headlining artists and rising talent.  There was a wide variety of music styles from gospel to pop, bluegrass to alternative so there was something for everyone.  It was great attending concerts by well-known artists, but was just as much fun “discovering” new talent and music styles in the smaller lounge sessions. 

By the time we got to the end of NAMM, we were pretty exhausted.  But it’s okay.  The overall show was an amazing experience and we can’t wait until the music returns in just a few short days.  Hope to see you at NAMM 2016!


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