Black Diamond Series Saxophones
Not only are the Black Diamond Saxophones are
Beautiful - They Play Outstanding!!
When Rheuben Allen started to create the design for
the Black Diamond Series Saxophones he wanted a saxophone that a live player
could use. Mostly that all clubs, weddings, concerts and generally most
live performances are not held in the same location and all rooms are different
The saxophonist must adjust to the location and room
size. So the qualities of the Black Nickel Plating came to mind. He
still makes saxophones with Black Nickel Bodies and Silver Plating and had made
a few with Gold Lacquered keys. They play very nice and are very
strong. He wondered what the saxophone would sound like with all Black
Nickel Plating so he made a couple Prototypes and was very happy with the
They did everything he had hoped. Black Nickel
is very durable plating and adds a little weight to the instruments providing
the saxophonist with a greater projection of sound.
Black Nickel Plating does not start producing the
tone as fast as Lacquer or Silver Plating but can be pushed to produce a very
strong projection of tone.
This line represents Lacquer and Silver plating tone projection:
Soft__________________________________________ Loud
This line represents Black Nickel tone projection:
Soft__________________________________________________ Loud
*As you can see the Black Nickel can be pushed to a louder volume, and will depend a lot of the tone production belongs to the player, mouthpiece and reed combination.
This line represents Lacquer and Silver plating tone projection:
Soft__________________________________________ Loud
This line represents Black Nickel tone projection:
Soft__________________________________________________ Loud
*As you can see the Black Nickel can be pushed to a louder volume, and will depend a lot of the tone production belongs to the player, mouthpiece and reed combination.
The Black Diamond Series is
currently available as a Curved Soprano Sax, and Straight Soprano Sax with two
necks. By Special Order a Baritone Sax with two necks (Black Nickel &
Silver Plated)
Model No. HSASBD
The Heavy Freedom/Power Neck Brace
Easy to operate High & Trill F# Keys
Easy to reach Front F or Altissimo Key
Black Nickel Plated Body, Neck & Keys
Leather Contour Case
Rheuben Allen® Mouthpiece Manufactured in the USA
Rheuben Allen® Mouthpiece Manufactured in the USA
Curved Soprano Saxophone
Case & Back straps are included
Cork Grease
Mouthpiece, Ligature, and Mouthpiece
2.5 Rico Reed (2)
Cleaning Cloth
Case & Back straps are included
Two Necks – Straight & Curved
Cork Grease
Mouthpiece, Ligature, and Mouthpiece
2.5 Rico Reed (2)
Cleaning Cloth
Baritone Saxophone
Model No. BDBS
Case Two Necks – Black Nickel &
Silver Plated
Cork Grease
Mouthpiece, Ligature, and Mouthpiece
Cleaning Cloth
KDI Music offers a Five Year LIMITED Warranty
On all Rheuben Allen®
Saxophones Black Diamond Saxophones as an authorized dealer
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