Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday - November 26th, 2011

Black Friday?  Cyber Monday?  This year it’s all about the SATURDAY following Thanksgiving when we continue to show our gratitude by supporting the lifeline of the American economy - our small businesses.  According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there were nearly 28 million small businesses in the United States last year.  Over the past two decades, they created 65 percent of net new jobs.  Directly supporting the communities in which we live, every $100 spent in locally-owned, independent stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll and other expenditures, according to the small business advocacy group The 3/50 Project.

Just information on Supporting Small Businesses like KDI Music. We support our staff, community, and Charitable Organizations we believe in. Grow and create employment. Thanks for your support and to all the Small Businesses in the USA.



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