Rico Reserve Bb Clarinet Mouthpieces & H-Ligature & Cap - New Product

Just Arrived - Rico Reserved Bb Clarinet Mouth Pieces & H-Ligature Inspired by the most prized, vintage mouthpieces of the 1920's. Reserve harness modern technology, pioneered by D'Addario, to recreate the incomparable mouthpiece craftsmanship found in these legendary works of art. Milled not molded from hard rubber for a higher level of consistency, every Reserve mouthpiece is machioned to the strictest tolerances. The True Beauty of the Reserve lies beyond its polished angles, curves and material tp something more remarkable.... It's Sound.... The D'Addario H-Ligature set pulls inspiration from the Vintage Harrison ligature design. Available in a Gold Finish Check it out in the Clarinet Section at www.kdimusic.com Thanks for reading!! Be Safe Out There!!!