2013S - Kenny G 'E Series III' Silver Soprano Saxophone - Holiday Special

2013S - Kenny G 'E Series III' Silver Soprano Saxophone - Holiday Special Limited Time 12/16/2014 to 12/20/2014 CHECK IT OUT AT: http://www.kdimusic.com/#/item/kenny_g_'e_series_iii'_silver_plated_sop_sax/ **The “E-Series-III” 2013 Models #Soprano #Saxophones are in Stock!!! Includes Kenny G Play Along CD a $24.99 Value - Download code for music sheets in your choice of key will be sent with CD. This Soprano Saxophone features a bore design based on the horn Kenny G plays. Comes with a Light Weight Case for easy carrying and back pack and shoulder straps. Thanks for Reading!!!