Black Diamond Alto Sax

Black Diamond Professional Alto Saxophone Model No. BDAS Features: Black Nickel Plated Body, Neck & Keys The Heavy Freedom/Power Neck Brace Easy to operate High & Trill F# Keys Easy to reach Front F or Altissimo Key Leather Contour Case Rheuben Allen ® Mouthpiece –Made in the USA Extra Goodies Added to purchase: Box of 10 Rico Reeds, Tuner, Protec Mouthpiece Pouch, Protec Alto Reed Case Not only are the Black Diamond Saxophones Beautiful , but they also play great When they started the design for the Black Diamond Series Saxophones, they wanted a saxophone that the live player could use and it would offer all the things the live player needs in a saxophone. Mostly that all clubs, weddings, concerts and generally all live performances are not held in the same location so all rooms are different. The saxophonist must adjust to the location and room size. So the qualities of the Black Nicke...