Kenny G "G-Series" Professional Tenors Tradeshow Horns Specials

Kenny G "G-Series" Tenor Saxophone - KGTS6VL-SP Finishes: Silver Plated and Vintage Lacquer Accessories: *Leather Contour Case *KG Stock Mouthpiece - #7 Facing *Mouthpiece Cap & Ligature Features: *Dark Gold Lacquer *Leather Contour Case Comes with Two Neck Finishes - Vintage Lacquer & Silver Plated This saxophone has a very rich tone color and great response. It is a modern design with improved intonation and fingerboard. In the tradition of the great saxophones it has offset right hand stack keys. We have made special arrangements through the Kenny G Saxophone Company, to offer the KGTS6VL “G-Series” Tenors. These instruments have been shown and played at US & International Trade Shows. They may have slight scratches to the finishes, and there is a No Warranty for the finishes, but are all new instruments. Again these are new saxophones that have just been played at US & International Trade Shows. The List: $4,995.00 Speci...